17 Aug


Upcoming pre-premiere at Vitlycke-Centre for Performing Arts the 14-16 October. More replays the 17-18 for the local schools of Tanum.

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05 Aug

Upcoming rehearsals of the new production HOME MOVIE
“Home Movie” deals with private memories and intimacy: the emotional response to the connotation of “home” as a place of warmth, comfort and affection. Home as a metaphor for identity, of domestic bliss and conflicts, of routine and habitual daily rituals. The sense of ‘everyday’ experienced during a lifetime.

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01 Aug

Under the Nothing Night at HERE:2021. International Performing Arts Festival!

The latest Wee production Under the Nothing Night will be presented in a new version with live music by the Sheriffs of Nothingness at HERE:2021. International Performing Arts Festival. Join us the 18th of September 2021.

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“Home is where one start from”. T.S. Eliot
“Home Movie” deals with our emotional responses to the connotation of “home” as a place of warmth, comfort and affection. Home as a metaphor for identity, of domestic bliss, conflicts and routines. The place where to welcome and where to close the door and be by ourselves. Where we feel safe and where dishes can pile up. The utopian emotional location we recollect with nostalgia. When talking about home, we often regress to childhood and refer to the place we grew up.

Under the nothing night


A project by Kipperberg/Scavetta/Lertxundi. The piece is performed by Gry Kipperberg and created in collaboration with Francesco Scavetta and film-maker Laida Lertxundi. 
Produced by Wee. Co-produced by Vitlycke-Centre as Performing Arts. With the support of: Norsk kulturråd fri scenekunst dans. (The full list of collaborations is still under work.)
The first presentations are planned at Vitlycke-Centre for Performing Arts the 9th, 10th and 11th of October. The work will have its premiere at Dansens Hus, in Oslo, the 22nd of October (replies until the 28th of October).


Hardly ever


“Hardly ever” explores the notion of truth and lies in theatre and everyday experience, bringing forward an investigation started with “Sincerely yours” (2008-09).
The work plays with the gap between creating expectations and allowing the unexpected. Presenting the juxtaposition of physical responses to verbal statements, where the slight mismatch opens for new associations. Involving the body as cartography of the space and using the voice, singing and talking, with a significant text that informs with its meanings and affects for what it evokes .



Sometimes things get accidentally lost and never show up again.

The act of vanishing: we are all searching for something to be grasped, if not is lost forever.
There is a game that Freud describes as: “Children making things disappear and reappear, over and over, again”, as if they are practicing the experience of loss.

Surprised body project


The Surprised body project is a dance piece that focus on choreographic and compositional issues and sees the body and the movement as its central element. The project has been developing, as an ongoing creative process, by creating several new versions of the work while touring in different countries, sometimes also involving guest dancers and new composers to participate in the performance.
Since its première in Buenos Aires, in October 2010, the project has been successfully presented in 27 countries in Europe, Asia and South America.